Sharing the lessons along the way…

I really can do it!

I only needed to do one more read through to look for obvious mechanical errors last night, but I spent two hours reconsidering the title before I could begin.  “Can You See Me?” became the title for the manuscript I submitted to the Hay House non-fiction book contest this morning at 11:00 a.m.

Amore watching and listening.

Today was the deadline for the contest and it really was a struggle to have it ready for this week.  I finished reading/editing the final forty pages this morning with my dogs as my audience.  I was reading aloud to better catch any errors.

While I wish I had at least another month to polish it up before submitting it anywhere, I do have to say that I was overall pleased with the work I submitted this morning.

I really cannot believe I finished writing a book and the amount of time, focus, and energy that it took.  I submitted 80,945 words—that is a lot of words!

I am most in awe of the flow of words that never wavered.  No matter how many days I had to wait to return to working on it, it was always as if I never left it.  No matter how bad the pain was or how stressful my external reality was, writing this book has been a wonderful time.

Once the flow started months ago, it didn’t stop until I had written all that I needed to include to tell the story.

Other authors share stories of such things, and I have always been amazed to hear them.  Words really cannot do the experience justice.  Most days, I could not type fast enough to keep up with the flow.As I wait to hear about the contest, I will be taking a much-needed break from the manuscript.  I am already ready to start another one, but would like to get this one published first.  The first round of judging will be completed by October 19th and at that point only 30 entries will go to the final round.

No matter what happens from here, I am delighted to get to here.  Thank you for your role in getting me here!

Flowers from my friend Jenny to celebrate!

Comments on: "I really can do it!" (9)

  1. Congratulations and I know you have enjoyed the ride regardless of the outcome…xo


  2. What a fantastic achievment, Tawny. I’m so glad that that once tapped, your story just flowed. Can’t wait to read you one day!


  3. Tawny -I have been contemplating doing some writing for years…..the sensed intensity of your excitement and satisfaction w/your creative process is moving me closer to that glorious starting point. Shall I set and actual time….how about 15-30 minutes at 10 AM tomorrow…just to brainstorm Ideas and free associate…ahh… ahhh… ahhhh…Thank You!


    • It was pretty amazing Kristin! Do it! There is a book by a local author Janet Conner called “Writing Down Your Soul” that you would love and it might get you into the groove of finding your flow.


  4. I am really happy for you. This is one exciting accomplishment.


  5. Wow, Tawny! I am so excited and thrilled for you. What an amazing accomplishment! 🙂 You’re awesome.


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