Sharing the lessons along the way…

Miracle Dog Amore

Wednesday morning, I took Duke and Amore for a short walk.  It was Amore’s first walk since last Friday and the first time I have tried to walk them both with the cane since overdoing it a couple of weeks ago.  We were all very happy about it but I was nervous it might be too much for Amore’s heart.

He was still getting up to greet people coming into the house through the day Wednesday and seemed no worse for the wear.  After the sun went down, both boys were outside in the yard and there was a rustle in the far corner.  Barking, jumping up onto hind legs with noses sniffing straight into the air followed.

The next thing I know, Amore is trying to climb up the fence after something, and Duke was positioning himself farther down the yard to catch whatever Amore flushed his way.  This method has helped them catch all sorts of critters in their years of hunting together (much to my dismay).

My neighbor on the other side piped up to say that there was an opossum and babies hanging around out there and that the boys were onto them.

Fearing complete heart failure with Amore and actual capture of the opossums, I corralled them inside to calm down.

Wait, did Amore just try to climb that 6 foot privacy fence after a critter?  I saw him stretching up as far as he could on that fence and even heard his nails scraping the wood.  I laughed at what a difference a few days and several heart pills make in a dog’s life.  If I hadn’t seen the heart ultrasound myself, I would have thought it was a misdiagnosis based on his behavior in the darkness of my back yard.

Yesterday morning, both boys and I headed down the street for the same short walk we had the day before.  Me with my cane, the boys with their gentle leaders.  Amore actually tried to pull his way down the street sniffing everything—tail wagging and up the entire way to the end of the half block, and back.

I just keeping shaking my head, chuckling, and in disbelief.  They sat to have their leashes off at the gate, and as I opened the gate, Amore ran through it in full run through the yard.  Duke followed him to the back door.

Laughing out loud, I shook my head, and came inside to call my veterinarian to share.  Either the heart medication is a miracle pill or Amore is a miracle dog—perhaps both.



Comments on: "Miracle Dog Amore" (5)

  1. […] shared that I was simply following Amore’s lead in terms of being bothered by any of his symptoms.  He doesn’t seem to know any better.  He […]


  2. Aww yaya! They’ve had an amazingling tenacious influence around to show them how it’s done 😉


    • Thanks Mama! I think it is the other way around though–pretty sure they have shown me how it’s done! At the least, we are a great influence on each other. ❤


  3. In some ways, it’d be cool to be a dog. You feel bad? You just feel bad. You feel better? You don’t remember that you just felt bad or might feel bad again soon.


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