Sharing the lessons along the way…

Humbly Grateful

With Dog...

I wrote a couple of posts about the magic of my Cali trip, and I have to tell you that the magic seems to continue.  Therefore, I have to share.

In the course of a year, the landscape of my life has changed so much, and it seems that the Cali trip was the catalyst for even more change (and fast).

So much so, that I can hardly wrap my mind around it all just yet.

Now, I not only get to go to work with my amazing dogs and hang out with some amazing humans who served our country, but I also get to help roll out a new program that empowers these amazing humans to take control over their health.

As if that wasn’t perfect enough, I get to do all of that as a full time employee as of yesterday!

Since I apparently live in a universe of ironies, I should add that I get to do all of this at the very place I had to go live as a homeless woman in a wheelchair, shortly after becoming ill.  I thought bringing Duke to work there completed the full circle in 2010, but it appears that circles may elude completion.  The irony weaved within the entire HEP experience is mind blowing.

In my wildest of dreams, I couldn’t have imagined being here, right now.  I am not sure I could have imagined it a month ago, quite honestly.

But it is real (and really ironic).  The gratitude is genuine, and interestingly enough, also humbling to me.  These are the fruits of my labor in a way that I couldn’t fathom when my body was betraying me at every turn and when my life was falling apart.

Moving through the worst fears, the darkness and putting a life back together was the labor intensive part of the process.  Were it not for all of that, often called nightmare, none of this, today would be possible.  That is where the humility and the gratitude unite for me.

If gratitude was what I thought was the cure for all that ails, I have to tell you that this combination is far more powerful than anything I have experienced.

Comments on: "Humbly Grateful" (1)

  1. Rick Crossan said:

    Nicely said, and congrats kiddo. Going from independent contractor to Full Time and the new program that you are setting up, as a result of your Cali trip, makes it all worthwhile.
    Also, gives the chance to go full circle.


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