Sharing the lessons along the way…

Posts tagged ‘Toilet paper’

Fires, Strawberries and Cotton Balls

Since there has been no doctor’s appointment to decrease my baclofen dose, I have opted not to do a catch up post.  Instead, I want to tell you about the fires of the week.  I want to share what has been happening in my mind in anticipation of Tuesday’s decrease.

I am not sure how often I say them aloud, but the phrases are constantly repeating in my mind.

“I’d better get this done before Tuesday in case I cannot drive…”

“I should do this now in case I cannot do this next week…”

“This might not be a problem now, but what if it becomes one and I cannot do anything about it after next week?”

This past week, I have felt like a firefighter.  I have flown down the pole, suited up and hopped on the truck to put out whatever fires may or may not exist.  Really, I was more like a firefighter who was all suited up, riding around in a big truck looking for the arsonist who had not yet lit his match.

Every little thing became a potential bigger thing.  For one relatively important example, my dog More’ had some accidents where he slept, several nights in a row.  If Tuesday didn’t include being a total of 25% less baclofen, I would have increased his pain medications and watched to see if there was improvement.

But oh no.  Tuesday is Tuesday and I had better figure out exactly what is wrong with him before then, so I have to figure out how to get him into the SUV I am borrowing to get him to the vet.  I couldn’t quite figure that one out, so I followed him around the yard to catch a urine sample to take into the veterinarian in the meantime.

My mind wouldn’t allow inaction on the strawberry

My mind wouldn’t allow inaction on any issue, in fact.  I couldn’t possibly buy more toilet paper (although a friend brought me some), but I do have at least two of most of my other toiletries now.  I even picked up an “as seen on TV” purchase.

I couldn’t imagine why I was feeling so tired each day this week.  I couldn’t focus on what I needed to be focusing on (work, for example) and found myself behind.  My place was incredibly neat and tidy, but I felt behind and like everything else was more urgent.  It was urgent that I put out the potential fires.

Yesterday, I found my focus.  I completed work tasks, tried like the dickens to be present, did a test dog walk in the new power wheel chair for photos the potential book cover designer needs, watched grass change colors of green in the rain, and watched a baby strawberry grow.

There is no fire will be my mantra for the week…

There really is no fire.

(But just in case, I will drown it in toothpaste or smother it with cotton balls and toilet paper.)

Toilet Paper Towers, Big Girl Panties, Etc.

My Tower of Toilet Paper (overhead view)

My Tower of Toilet Paper (overhead view)

It was an ordinary morning.  The dogs woke me as the sun was rising.  I made coffee, checked my email, fed the dogs, and took them for a walk.

I showered, put on my big girl panties, and rehearsed what I was planning to say at my pump doctor appointment.

I was surprised I slept without waking up more often worrying about this particular appointment, as I usually do before most doctor appointments.  I felt surprisingly well rested.

The closer it got to time to leave, the more anxious I got.

Was I really ok to reduce the baclofen dose in the pump today if it made sense to do so?  That was the agreement I made with myself two weeks ago when I called, but would that be what I would do at the doctor’s office?

I made it out the door, down two streets then turned around to come back home.  I decided I should at least grab my cane to put in the car just in case.

All the way there, I reminded myself that I had my big girl panties, and that would make me tougher than I felt.

The doctor told me it was going to take quite a while to reduce down the dose before surgically removing it.  He will reduce 10% each week until it is basically at no daily intrathecal baclofen.

We discussed a few other things before he said, “I will go get them to reduce you today.”

I am certain I looked like a deer in the headlights as I wimpily muttered, “I am not sure I am prepared for that today because I drove myself.”  He explained that it would likely take 24 hours before I would notice much of a difference, but it was ok if I wasn’t ready today.

Dammit, I thought to myself.  But I have my big girl panties.  I followed up quickly with, “Oh, well, if that is the case, then sure, let’s do it.”  We bantered around between a 5% or 10% reduction and agreed that 5% would be best for today since I wasn’t quite prepared.

Honestly, I couldn’t be any more prepared in terms of assistive equipment.  I checked off nearly everything I had hoped to get ready before this decreasing started as of last tower front view

Seeing the power wheelchair in my kitchen that I will use to walk my dogs went from a “check” to more reality than I felt prepared for Friday.

Seeing the new front entrance ramp completed on Saturday was another dose of reality that I wasn’t sure what to do with.

It is only Tuesday.

So, I stopped on the way home from my first baclofen dose decrease to buy some toilet paper—two 18 packs to be exact.  It is a challenge to take a picture of the toilet paper tower so far, but I have a ridiculous amount of toilet paper in my little bathroom.


Kitt O’Malley

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